


Vår hemsida använder sig av “cookies” för att vi ska kunna mäta statistik och spara dina inställningar för sidan.
Cookies kan ej innehålla virus eller annan skadlig kod.
Det är möjligt att blockera cookies på denna sida i er webbläsare.
Observera då att sidan kanske ej fungerar optimalt.
Sidan innehåller cookies från tredjepartsleverantörer som bland annat GSuite, HubSpot, MailChilmp m.m.

För att kunna genomföra service och leverans av er produkt registrerar vi uppgifter på serviceärendet som är av nödvändig karaktär.
Du har enligt lag, rätt att ta del av vilka uppgifter vi har om dig, och kan även begära att vi raderar dessa.

Persondata som sparas är:
– Namn
– Adress
– Telefonnummer
– Epost

Vi sparar även följande uppgifter om din produkt:
– Tillverkare
– Modell
– IMEI / Serienummer
– Inköpsdatum
– Inköpsställe
– Försäkringsbolag
– Felbeskrivning

Hur länge sparas min data?
Vi sparar uppgifter i upp till 5 år.
Personliga uppgifter är dock ej tillgängliga för våra medarbetare efter ert ärende är avslutat.

Var sparas min data?
Detta sparas i vårt interna servicesystem, samt hos tillverkaren för din produkt.

Om jag vill att ni tar bort mina uppgifter?
Kontakta oss på för att begära borttagning av data och personuppgifter.

Privacy Policy and Data Management

The website uses “cookies”, which is a text file that is stored on your computer, mobile or other for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics, and targeting ads. Cookies cannot contain malicious code such as viruses. It is possible to delete or block cookies.

If you delete or block cookies, ads may become less relevant to you and appear more frequently. You may also run the risk that the website is not functioning optimally and that there is content that you cannot access.

The Website contains third-party cookies that may include:

  •  Google Gsuite, HubSpot, Mailchimp and more.

In order to complete your service case, and to ensure that our work is performed as requested (eg via a subsequent customer satisfaction survey from Care1 or third parties), please always provide your name, address, mobile number and e-mail address.

Your personal information is stored along with information about what goods / services you have purchased for a minimum of 5 years, cf. Danish law.

Care1 is responsible for handling and storing personal data and ensures that data processing is done within the framework of the Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act

According to the Personal Data Act you have the right to object to the registration. You are also entitled to insight into what information is recorded about you, as well as requesting the deletion of personal data, which Care1 will comply with, unless this is in violation of applicable law

Personal data we store:

In order to service your device and contact you on an ongoing basis, we store the following information

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address

In order to ensure your privacy, this information is hidden from our employees after the service has ended.


We also store the following information about your product:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • IMEI number and / or Serial number
  • Purchase date (if specified)
  • Dealer / wholesaler
  • Insurance provider
  • Reported issues / symptoms of serviced device

We also keep a history of your service case, including repeat repairs based on IMEI- / serial number.

How long is my data stored?

We keep them in our service system for up to 5 years from service time. However, personal information is not available to our employees after any service case, and will only be viewable by trusted administrative staff under special circumstances.

Where is my data stored?

Data is stored in our internal service system. We also share your data with the manufacturer in connection with setting up your service case. This is done in compliance with current legislation regarding data protection.

How do I delete my data?

If you want your data to be deleted, contact us at
